The vast majority of solo consultants I encounter want more leads, and they invest a lot of time, money, and energy to get those leads, usually with disappointing results.
They go through the “Cycle of Doom” (see below), or so I’m told.

While there are lots of people happy to pitch their solution to your problem (including me– you can start a free trial of Mimiran here), this usually involves another revolution through the cycle, with money siphoned off into someone else’s pocket and you still frustrated.
Because most of the solutions don’t address the reality of your situation.
- You’re in a relationship business.
- Therefore, you’re in a conversation business.
This means the core of your client acquisition system looks like this:
- Figure out exactly who you want to talk to.
- Talk to them.
(If I may say so, Mimiran is the only “CRM” designed with these steps in mind.)
Everything else– email marketing, blogging, YouTube, podcasting, social media, etc, is just a way to feed into this core, but people often treat it as a substitute, rather than a feeder.
You need to build from the ground up, not the roof down.

The Simple Sales and Marketing Audit
How much time are you spending talking to your ideal clients and partners?
Email doesn’t count. LinkedIn doesn’t count. Those media, and others are great– if you use them to set up the conversations. But what we really care about are the conversations.
Not sure who your ideal client is? Talk to your favorite clients? (And when talking to clients who are not your favorite, and folks who don’t become clients at all, notice the differences.)
Feel like you don’t have enough people to talk to? Start with the people you already know. Enlist their help to refine your ICP (Ideal Client Profile) and get introductions.
Don’t waste your precious time on the “upper floors” until you’ve got the foundation and first floor solid.
(Want more details on the 2-Step Sales Process for Solo Consultants? Catch the training here.)