Templates and Content
As many as you’d like.
Yes, it’s easy to edit template content. You can start with the sample template, the template(s) created during setup, save an existing proposal as a template, or just start from scratch.
Yes. You can enable PDF generation for a template, and override this setting for each proposal. If your customers expect PDFs, it’s best to enable PDF generation. You’ll get a notification when your contact creates a PDF version of the proposal.
Adding an Image

Images can add a lot to your content. Fortunately, inserting images is easy.
- Click the Image button.
- To upload a new image, go to the Upload tab, choose your image, and click the Upload to Server button.
Uploading an Image File

- After uploading, your image will appear on the Image Info tab. You can also click Browse Server to pick a thumbnail to insert an image you have uploaded previously.
- You can set basic image properties here (or stylesheet classes, inline styles, and more on the Advanced tab). You can also come back to this screen by right-clicking on the image once it’s inserted.
- Click OK.
Editing the Image

- To get back to the Image Info screen, just right click on the image and select Image Properties.
You can save an existing proposal or lead magnet as a template. This is helpful if you make substantial modifications to a template in a particular case, and then you think this would be useful as a template in it’s own right.
Go to the summary page for that content, click on the caret and the click Save as Template.
If you want to make a copy of an existing template, you can do that from the Summary page, as well, by clicking on the Copy Template button on the bottom toolbar.
To configure your default email template for your account, go to Account > Account Settings in the Admin section of the navbar. Then click on the Mail Template tab and enter your default content. You can use an email signature and whatever default content you want to use. (Note that you can override this template for automated Lead Magnet responses and when sending a proposal through Mimiran.)
Pro Tip: If you want an easy way to insert a link to the content with the name of the content, you can use the “Link to View with Name” merge field.
You can add more than one quote to a proposal, and this is a great way to offer a cross-sell or up-sell, or a good/better/best set of options.
When you have more than one quote on a proposal, the quotes will have checkboxes next to them to allow you to present which options you’ve preselected to the prospect, and to allow the prospect to make the final selections.
How does this compare to user-editable quantities?
Quotes allow you to package up a whole solution. With multiple quotes, you are giving people the ability to pick one or more solutions.
User-editable quantities on line items just impact that one part of the solution.
You can, of course, combine the two.
Your content’s status field shows where it is in the sales process.
- Draft: The default state. This content cannot be viewed by prospects, even if they have a link. This lets you work on content before sharing, let’s your enforce approval of content before your team can share it (if desired), and lets you “unshare” proposals, which moves them back to the Draft state, if you need to make major changes.
- Awaiting Approval: If you have an approval process enabled (under Admin > Account > Account Settings > Approval), proposals must get the appropriate approval before your team can share them with prospects. When the user has finished editing the content, they can submit the proposal for approval. They proposal is locked until approved. Note that this only applies if you’ve enabled the approval process.
- Approved: If the approver(s) decide to approve the proposal, it goes into the “Approved” state, where the user can share it. If approval is denied, the proposal goes back to the “Draft” state. Note that this only applies if you’ve enabled the approval process.
- Sent: Means you have shared the content with a prospect, but they have not viewed it yet. It’s a good idea to check your Sent Lead Magnets and Proposals to remind prospects to read the content.
- Collaboration: The prospect has seen the content.
- Accepted: The prospect has accepted the proposal or lead magnet. Note that depending on how you define the Accept Button Text and the Accept URL for the Lead Magnet, “accept” can have different meanings. For example, you could have the button say “Schedule Consultation”, and the accept URL be a page where prospects can book a time in your calendar.
- Rejected: You have marked the lead magnet or proposal as rejected. For a lead magnet, this just means that the prospects is not qualified. For a proposal, it means that the deal is lost.
Your browser’s native spell check will work in the Mimiran editor, with 2 important caveats.
- Most browsers highlight spelling errors with a dotted red underline. If the background color of that section is close to red, it can be hard or impossible to see the highlight.
- Since Mimiran is using the context menu, you need to access the browsers context menu in the editor. Do this with CTRL + Right Click (CMD + Right Click on Mac OS).