No matter what you have to say about your services, you can never compete with your most powerful marketing asset– your clients’ own stories, in the form of case studies or testimonials.
Are you using this asset?
Does your website speak from your client’s perspective? Does it include testimonials and case studies?
If you’re feeling stuck, call your favorite clients and ask about how you helped.
(You can get a list of questions to ask in Mimiran under Admin > Content Snippets > Public Snippets > Search for “testimonial”.)
After a conversation or two, you should be able to plug the words into something like the Case Study structure, now available on the Mission & Positioning screen.

Of course, this is a pretty simple case study, but if you have a version of this on your site, it’s going to be much more compelling than just saying, “look at me, I’m really smart.” And there’s nothing wrong with having a few of them.
Not sure how to get started? Tell them you read this blog post and you’re looking to tell your story better, with the help of your favorite clients…