Mimiran Events

Do you own your own business, or does it own you?

Most of us start our own business because we want more freedom, more control, more spaciousness to pursue our purpose. Sometimes, though, it seems like the business starts owning us– even more than the corporate jobs we left. It’s hard … Read More

I know what I’m supposed to be doing, I’m just not doing it…

Ever been in that situation before? (Like how I was supposed to write this post a week ago, but somehow didn’t.) I’ve noticed 2 major issues when I’m having trouble getting started on something. A lot of folks make some … Read More


Proposal Webinar

Do you get butterflies when a prospect asks for a proposal? I did, too. I knew the proposal was a necessary step, so I liked getting the request, I just didn’t like going off and writing the darn thing. That’s … Read More

Word of Mouth Marketing Michael Katz Blue Penguin Development

Are you maximizing word of mouth and referrals?

Referrals are awesome, right? Just because I’m a big fan of “growing beyond word of mouth”, doesn’t mean I hate referrals. On the contrary, I love referral business. When I did consulting, all my business was word of mouth. (And … Read More

What I learned selling services

Like a lot of people who accidentally became consultants, I got started because I was really good at helping companies solve certain kinds of problems that they had trouble solving themselves. Like a lot of people who start consulting companies, I … Read More

Webinar: grow sales *and* profit

Join us for a webinar on B2B sales optimization. We’ll look at how manual negotiation processes cost time, sales, stress, and 10% or more of profit. Why does this happen? What have companies tried to do about it? And what … Read More

Upcoming Event: Professional Pricing Society Fall Conference

We’ll have a booth at the upcoming Professional Pricing Society Fall Conference in Orlando, October 22-23. Come by and see us and learn more about Sales Compass. Get more information and register here.