customer segmentation

Unbundling the food and the seat

No, we’re not talking about airlines, we’re talking about restaurants. People in Europe are used to this already, but as an American visiting the UK recently, it was slightly surprising to see different prices for food and drink consumed on … Read More

Promotion Addiction

One of the challenges of using promotions effectively is that the more successful they seem initially, the more detrimental they can be over the long run. The reason is that the condition buyers to wait for promotions. Instead of drawing … Read More

(E)Book Pricing, Part 2

The folks over at Wrox are running a pricing experiment. They’re discounting their ebooks by 50% to see how much extra volume they get, and whether they can convert people who steal ebooks into paying customers. While this is an … Read More

Customer Self-Segmentation

One the best ways to segment prices is by allowing customers to sort themselves. Here’s an interesting sign that does just that.

iPhone Hype Obscures Apple Pricing Strength

If you’re lucky enough to be living under a rock, you may not know that Apple is introducing its iPhone today. Although I had hoped not to be part of the hype onslaught, I have been meaning to write a … Read More