About the name “Mimiran”

What’s with the name, “Mimiran”?

Mimir is the Norse god of wisdom (see Wikipedia for more details). When I started Mimiran, I thought that would be a clever way to connote the wisdom that I was trying to bring to my clients.

Of course, no one knew about Mimir. This was before Marvel brought Odin and Loki, but not Mimir, to a broader audience. And no one knew how to say it or spell it. So it’s a terrible name for marketing.

But people love asking about the name. And now you know the story…

When I started building a product, I just kept the same name (very creative, I know). Early customers told me that they would refer to “Mimiran” or even “Mimi” almost like a person. (“What’s going on with that proposal?” “I don’t know, ask Mimiran.”)

This led me to have a logo designer create the “friendly robot” logo to personify (“robotify”?) this notion, as I like to think of the application as a friendly robot that doesn’t automate your relationships, but organizes logistics for you, so you can focus on the human-to-human relationships.