With companies trying to shave costs and grow revenue without big budgets, software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a critical paradigm shift. Most of us are used to logging into email hosted by Google or Yahoo or Hotmail. We don’t think about maintaining the hardware and software infrastructure required to manage email (unless we have to administer an Outlook or Lotus Notes server at work). Salesforce.com made SaaS mainstream for business users, but many other companies also offer SaaS solutions, including Mimiran.
For companies trying to figure out how to put together SaaS solutions quickly and cost-effectively, Astadia is hosting a series of events called “Connecting in the Cloud.” These are day long sessions offering workshops and panels on SaaS solutions, along with vendor demonstrations (where Mimiran comes in).
We will be presenting at the Connecting in the Cloud event in Dallas on April 9. Register before April 2 and your registration fee will be waived. There’s some stimulus for you.
For those of you who will be joining us in Dallas, be sure to visit and check out a new offering. Details will be coming soon.