A lot of consultants are very on board with the theory of creating compelling content for their ideal consulting clients to attract those folks online (and turn them into leads and conversations with lead magnets).
But sometimes it’s hard to figure out what content to create.
As usual for these situations, I like to outsource this difficult work to someone else– not AI, but my favorite clients.
When you have conversations with your clients, they will tell you what content is compelling.
They will talk about their challenges, their hopes, dreams, little obstacles that don’t seem like much, but get in the way of doing what they say they want to do.
In the past week, I’ve had conversations that revealed:
- The psychological issues behind not using a key feature in Mimiran properly.
- Great insights on indirect competitors.
- What else my tribe might be working on that’s strategic and/or urgent, but not directly related to my world.
- And much more…
In short, if you’re having good conversations with the right people, in addition to the amazing benefits of those conversations themselves, you’ll fill your content calendar with stuff that you care about, that your tribe cares about, as well.
Just as you parse conversations for information about an individual opportunity, you can parse across conversations for the same flags… Questions, complaints, hopes, seeming tangents that relate back to the topic in some important but perhaps less than obvious way.
This is where it’s a great idea to use AI as a virtual marketing intern to help you brainstorm ideas based around the concepts from the conversations. For more, see this free video training and info about my “Using AI to make you more human” Challenge coming up in September.)
What medium you use to create the content is less important. Do what feels comfortable. Writing, video, blog, podcast, etc. You (or an assistant, real or virtual) can convert one medium to another. It’s helpful if you create on the same platform that your ideal clients are on, but better to create something that nothing, and then make sure you distribute it on the appropriate platform(s) so your audience can see it.